AIH Modules
Take it step by step. Asset Integrity Hub (AIH) is an ecosystem built of different modules that allow you to start with the basics and advance in your own tempo.

Designate all your asset data in IEC 81346 compliant framework and create schemas and structures for each of your asset designs. All events, inspections, repairs can then be assigned to the related asset design element, so your maintenance data is ready for analysis.
Design templates
Assets are not all the same. Configure specific design templates for your various industrial assets.
ISO 81364 Compliant
Get a standard reference designation system tailor-made to your assets portfolio.
Applier languages
Set up multiple data languages and codes specific to your industrial plant nomenclature and taxonomies.
Dynamic Properties
Don’t just adapt to a generic data set. Configure, maintain and store your business specific objects properties.
Asset Explorer
Get the full picture. The 360° view across your assets portfolio and the data associated with it; all in one nice and easy-to-use place.
Store all information about your customers, suppliers and partners and share your data with them.
Production plants can vary across industries but you can uniformly collect all their core information points.
Main systems
All main systems in your production plants, with their differences in designs are systematically stored.
System functions are realized by physical equipment and together they define the holistic image of asset reliability.
Field Service Inspections
Why just create a PDF report when you can turn your inspections into usable data? Our inspection module allows you to perform, manage and collect all physical observations, sensor assessments, repair data from your field service tasks in one place. All ready for analysis.
Inspection templates
Configure your inspection templates for common field inspections
Assessment templates
Handle and organize all your maintenance data around components
Generate detailed customer PDF reports in one click

Sign every report in one swift movement
Bulk-upload pictures
Drag and drop all your pictures and upload them to the inspection at once
Upload documents
Keep everything in one place. Upload work instructions to your inspection templates
Annotate defects
Use image annotator to indicate the defects and failures in your systems.
Previous inspections
Access all the work done on particular components
Failure management
Store and manage failures from field service ready at hand for analytics. The failure management module allows you to take your failures all through the process. From registration to investigation cases to failure types and solutions.
Register failures
Register field service failures according to ISO T32 failure registration standard
Failure taxonomies
Failures are not always named the same. Configure your own failure language to use for each of your plants
Failure types
Get an easy overview of your commonly known failure types and the affected population
Investigation cases
Handle your investigation cases and their statuses, so you can find new failure types
Fast return to service. With a vast solution catalogue you can always find the right solution to a known failure
Risk population
Support analytics and setup all the equipments that are in risk of being affected by a failure